Soldiering On

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I am an act of war.
Taking no prisoners behind closed doors,
strewn in the open are my countless scores;
the rises and falls my weapons have bore
Panoramic scenes slow time to a crawl, so
the blink at 360 reveals it all
The fear in your heart is what I’ve been called;
a quake in the veins that crushes your walls

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With a charge and a clash, I collide with this time;
steel upon will, drawing blood to the line
The dripping tip at the end of my mind…
piercing the soul til the flesh is blind
Fumes consume every breath in the room,
leaving hearts seized in the depth of loves womb
Waiting for the readied, this spirit will loom
and call out the life from the embodied tombs

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Truth shatters screens to cut through the masks,
setting shadows free from the binds of their pasts
An unfettered journey with the strictest of tasks;
to transform the first and walk with the last.

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